Friday, January 29, 2010

Proposition 8 Must Remain

28th of January 2010






I have followed the Federal court battle that claims the unconstitutionality of Proposition 8 by seeking the rights for gay men and lesbian women to wed those they love. Regardless of the initial outcome, the courage it took for Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier along with Jeffrey Zarrillo and Paul Katami to know within their hearts that the millions of Californians who voted in Proposition 8 were wrong, is staggering. Both couples have publicized a part of their personal relationships for the civil liberties of all United State's citizens.


The power-house defense team at first glance seems like an unlikely coupling with a staunch liberal Democrat alongside a life-long conservative Republican in Theodore Olson and David Boies (Fairy Dream Team). Not exactly what you might think as a match made in heaven, or even one summoned by the wand of the couples Fairy Godmother. However, the gay and lesbian community owes a great debt to the brilliance and cunning strategy that seemed to be a partnership in perfect synch.


The Fairy Dream Team goes up against the attorney for the California Protect Marriage group in Mr. Andrew Pugno. I always wondered what HATE looked like, here it is: I don't state that easily, because I'm the one who professes LOVE, HONOR & RESPECT, but a person must give what they expect to receive. Mr. Pugno was outmatched by the Fairy Dream Team and it showed every day in court. It also makes a difference when a team has RIGHT on their side.


What I don't understand is the HATE portion within a person. As far as we know, Mr. Pugno is a closeted homosexual who drives to cruise areas during the cover of night seeking anonymous sexual encounters with other married men who are hiding this portion of their lives from their families. The colloquialism that says those who shout the loudest are generally the ones who have the most to hide comes to the forefront of my thoughts. Regardless of Mr. Pugno's reasoning for loathing gay men and lesbian women; the fight trivializing any one person's life because they don't measure up to the way you think they ought too, can never be right.


The sponsors of Proposition 8 used fear, anger, hostilities and the ignorance of the unknown to drive people to polling stations voting to save their children and all Californian families from the gay elements that lurk in the dark. They promised like a comic book superhero that if the citizens of California voted in Proposition 8, that they would save "FAMILY VALUES" along with it the children that are served with their biological father and mother always together. The fear that homosexuals will adopt innocent children and molest them or even worse than molestation – convert them to homosexuality is preposterous to say the least. According to statistical data, more than seventy percent of all molesters self identify themselves as heterosexuals. Of the remaining, only seventeen percent of all molesters self identify themselves as homosexual with the remaining either not identifying or identifying themselves as A-Sexual.


These numbers were never disclosed by Christian led groups such as the California's Yes on Proposition 8. The funny point behind the FAMILY VALUE angle with Proposition 8 is that millions of contribution dollars and hands and feet that were both used to sway Californian voters into voting for FAMILY VALUES came from Utah, the home of the Mormon Polygamist. Yes, millions of dollars came from the focal point of FAMILY VALUES where fathers molest their teen daughters while they treat their multiple wives like chattel. While Mormons don't publicize their polygamist backgrounds just like they don't publicize the molestation of their daughters and teenage girls or boys. I know true quality of the Mormon values, my grandfather with family lines dating back for generations have their roots within the Latter Day Saints and then Reorganized Latter Day Saints Churches. Our family and the Mormon's go all the way back to the split in the Mormon Church with the Reorganized Latter Day Saints going to Missouri while the Mormons changed their Northward direction and ended up in Utah. This truly shows the FAMILY VALUES of the leadership for Yes on Proposition 8. They would rather sleep in the same bed with the devil (the Mormon Faith) as they fight against what they tell the citizen's of California is the real nemesis of the FAMILY – gay men and women.


The Yes on Proposition 8 team included one Mr. David Blankenhorn, the founder of the Institute for American Values. Mr. Blankenhorn is HATE MONGERER # 1 to the gay and lesbian community. I don't truly believe a person can be repulsed by unknown people like Mr. Blankenhorn loaths gay men unless you are hiding those same traits from the inside of himself. The testimony by Mr. Blankenhorn details the disdain he has for gay people, and my only question is this is the example of FAMILY VALUES they wish to present as people worthy of marriage? How can such hate spewing forth from a person constantly be an example FAMILY or AMERICAN VALUES? He doesn't reflect any of my values, but I'm a gay man, so I guess according to Mr. Blankenhorn and Mr. Pugno my values don't count!


Not one person called to testify on the behalf of Yes on Proposition 8 was a person of laudable character. Each and every person was so driven by odium and knew they were misleading and lying to the citizens of California. They knew they were using FEAR to prey on the IGNORANCE of those Californians who voted just like scared little children. Politicians and religions have been using FEAR based on IGNORANCE to propel their audiences into actions for centuries, so you might think the average person would see their actions for what they truly are – deception and lies. But a person only sees what they want to see. People want to see themselves as the superhero triumphantly winning over evil…so when do Christians and the average person within the United States stop seeing homosexuals as evil?


The Fairy Dream Team performed exceptionally and the gay community needs to show our gratitude. It should be almost impossible for Chief Judge Walker to hand down a decision that does not vindicate our two couples and the California Gay Community; but don't bet on assurances. I can't find anything in the case presented by Mr. Olson and Mr. Boies that did anything but prove systematically that the theological beliefs of those who managed and supported Yes on Proposition 8 did in fact oppress an entire people. They proved flawlessly how Yes on Proposition 8 denied rights of those people they oppressed and how the ramifications of their bigoted acts demeaned and caused harm to those same persons. I thought it was majestic how The Fairy Dream Team also used the higher court's own words to prove to Chief Judge Walker and the American people that marriage is a fundamental right and to deny any persons their rights is a breach of civil liberties.


What I found repulsive as well as ironic is how the Christian Right, Yes on Proposition 8 and all those who have placed themselves against the homosexual community continue to claim (without any proof might I add) that if gays are allowed to wed, that they will destroy the sanctity of marriage. They go on to claim they are fighting against a direct attack on FAMILY and how if we extend the same benefits to the homosexual community how children will suffer and the family unit will automatically be disbanded! Wow, how much more crap can we load against the gay people. Why don't you just paint all gay men and lesbian women with a likeness of Satan or the likeness of Hitler? The problem with caricatures is this… as horrible as Hitler was and the atrocities committed by him alone were abysmal, but pale in comparison to the number of people killed by Christians in the name of GOD!


Gay men and woman are absolutely not the Devil or Hitler and neither are Christians. However, gay men and women are not attacking Christians and scaring everyone with falseness or with claims that are such outright lies…no that is being done by Christians against gays with groups like Yes on Proposition 8. Let us take this argument to the statistics: there are over 307 million people who live in the United States (2009 census about 2008 population as recorded by the US Census Web Site). There were approximately 2.2 million marriages in 2008 (as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) with 40% of all marriages in 2005 ending in divorce (According to FastStats and the most current marriage and divorce numbers available online at such short notice). In the United States in 2010 one in five marriages ends in divorce in less than ten years. Many say that the percentage is more like 60% of all new marriages end in divorce within ten years, however, I will be more considerate to the Christian and married groups that are saying gays will destroy the sanctity of marriage. We cannot destroy anything that is being eliminated by its own accord and without our help. There are fewer marriages being performed when there is greater population and out of the number of marriages, more and more are ending in divorce in a shorter period of time. According to the numbers, the heterosexual populace in the United States should be begging gays to marry, because the numbers show that only one in five families remain together outside of ten years. How the hell can anyone point their finger at homosexuals and say we are destroying the sanctity of marriage?


The second and even more atrocious point made my Christians and groups like Yes on Proposition 8 is how our children will suffer because gays will be able to marry. I don't get the correlation and not one straight person has been able to connect the dots for me, but let me see if I can clear up the mess they've made. If one out of five marriages last beyond ten years, but more than 65 % of all marriages produce children, do we have a huge number of divorced parents living together? I don't think so! What we have is a huge number of children who are shuffled between two or more households to the point that in the school systems of today, it is unusual for a child to actually have both of their paternal parents by the time they enter high school. It is more likely that by the time a child starts their high school education; their parents have already divorced and have remarried into their second or third marriages with two or three different sets of children from each. But according to Christians gays being able to marry will destroy THE FAMILY!


With the divorce rates so high and children being pushed and pulled between one or more families, how do Christians have the audacity to say we will destroy the Family Unit? Add to this point the facts that I mentioned earlier how 70% of all molesters self identify as heterosexual. According to the average Christian and groups like Yes on Proposition 8, I am an unfit parent because I'm a gay man, but it is okay for a molester to stalk and destroy the innocence of a child because he's straight? Parenting is no more about having biological mother and father in the family unit and that is pervasive by the incessantly high number of single parents (of either sex). According to most Christians and groups like Yes on Proposition 8, it is absolutely okay for two fourteen year olds, fifteen year olds and so on to climb into their parent's bed or the back seat of a car and nine months later bring an innocent soul into this world. So is this the family Christians and groups like Yes on Proposition 8 are trying to protect from the homosexuals. Now let us discuss the fact that I was sexually molested by a self identified straight man that has two children. I am an unfit parent to children because I'm a gay man, but yet a molester is a fit parent because he's straight?


Here we are on the precipice of what may be a truly great day for gay men and lesbian women. We are no different from our heterosexual counterparts. We want the exact same things in life. We want to love and some of us even wish to show that love by marrying the one we love. We want to start our own family and we wish to do so in PEACE. I know that either this case will open the gates by allowing Lady Liberty to weight her scales of justice blindly in favor of those who are oppressed because some cannot see people as equals, or Chief Judge Walker won't have the veracity to free a people being enslaved by Christianity.


I know one thing to be self evident; no one can be oppressed forever! Liberty always shines one day for those being denied their freedoms and it will shine for the gay and lesbian community.




Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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