Monday, January 11, 2010

California Fight: To Allow or Deny Same Sex Marriages

11th of January 2010





A person might think that Californians have already chosen the outcome of Gay Marriage by changing their states constitution in defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman (Proposition 8 ). That is why the people of California have the right to confront any state law that is believed to be unconstitutional. I knew when individual states started passing DOMA Bills and Marriage Protection Laws that it would take brave souls that love one another to challenge these laws that were passed by people stirred with fear and ignorance as they voted in HATE LEGISLATION.


As I read multiple news stories compelling a line to be drawn in the sand across the State of California with Gay Rights activist on one side and Christian groups that are charged by HATE on the other side. Those who voted in Proposition 8 are led by one Andrew Pugno, the lawyer for the Protect Marriage group. This group led over seven million voters into the ballot boxes voting in Proposition 8. Mr. Pugno must defend their stance to a Federal Court Judge (Chief Judge Vaughn R Walker) in San Francisco. Media outlets are expecting this to be the fight of our century as it will be as critical for our generation as Brown v. Board of Education and Roe v. Wade was for past generations. Mr. Pugno however does not have the support of California State Government as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown have removed themselves from this fight.


Across the line, we find two courageous couples who are tired of Christians using their personal ideologies to segregate them as white citizens did their black brothers and sisters in the 40's, 50's and 60's. The similarities are so staggering where those who oppressed our black citizens in earlier times used theology and ideology to suppress them via FEAR and IGNORANCE. When will we, in this great nation learn the lessons from our past…we cannot deny the rights of any one group because it does not sit well with my personal ideology or theology.


The two couples (Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier with Jeffrey Zarrillo and Paul Katami) who have been denied the right to marry via Proposition 8 have hired representation in claiming that the new law is unconstitutional. This blogger agrees that Proposition 8, as well as all DOMA Bills and Marriage Definition Laws are Unconstitutional to our gay and lesbian citizens. Our two super hero couples will be represented by Theodore Olson and David Boies as this case is set to rocket directly to the United States Supreme Court.


I am sure that Mr. Pugno along with the Protect Marriage group will bring in (as they did in the fight to pass Proposition 8) as much outside help that they can find. If it was left to just California citizens to think and decide this issue by themselves, I believe that they might have voted in a very different manner. However groups like Protect Marriage must have help from out of state Christian organizations drawing from resources and funds well beyond the state of California to properly scare, threaten, and demean voters into believing that if they don't vote to define marriage between one man and one woman that the sky will fall. Just as white people used fear and threats to propel their white counterparts into continued oppression of our black brethren years before. The same tactics are being used now and I am here to say, the same results will be victorious. It will be shown that Christians and all who oppose Gay Marriage will learn that they cannot deny any part of society their just and equal rights simply because they feel it goes against their way of life. It is not revoking their rights; it is simply ensuring that all citizens may share in the same privileges.


There should never have been any state adopted DOMA Bills or Defense against Marriage Laws. Gay men and lesbian women never demoralized marriage; they only wish to share in its bounty as they bask in the love they share with another soul. I have written before on the history of marriage and it is not what Christians claim it to be. According to Christian groups like Protect Marriage, the populace is led to believe the sanctity of marriage started as a religious offering between two parishioners and was always blessed by a Christian leader. That is an outright lie! Marriages were being performed by tribal elder's centuries before Jesus Christ walked this earth. Two couples were uniting in marriages that were presided over by any leader of a village, town or group of like minded citizens thousands of years before it was adopted by the Council of Nicaea as a Christian ordination. Between the birth of Christ and the formation of the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. only those wealthy families who could pay for the blessings of a Christian or Jewish leader to preside over the union of two souls would warrant such a blessing. However, the Protect Marriage group does not want you to know this. They want you to remain ignorant that Christian doctrine did not bless marriage as a sacrament until the Council of Nicaea deemed it worthy and that was never established as a priority as set forth by Emperor Constantine the Great. No Christian groups want you to dumbly believe that from the beginning of time, God created Adam and then Eve and in some ceremony that we've never heard about until this became an issue that God presided over the marriage of them. It was never established by God, because to him, two people only need to look each other in the eyes and promise their heart to the person before them; and that is what God established as marriage. But Christian's can't fight against God; however they can be called to arms against homosexuality by the same men who lead them astray on issues such as marriage.


You don't need someone like me telling you how to think, but I hope you listen to me when I advise you to open your heart and your mind. Ask yourself if it is right to deny any person the right to love any other person? Without thinking about it, what does your heart tell you is right? Many of you will fall to the teachings and doctrine that you follow and for that I ask you to think about this? If a God is all about LOVE, why is this LOVE so wrong? How do two men or two women loving each other deteriorate that which you share with your husband or wife? If you listen to your heart, I'm sure it will tell you that it never has! If that is the case, again I must ask, why are you fighting against LOVE?




Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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