Friday, October 02, 2009

November March on Washington


2nd of October 2009


I think as a nation we need to solidify the constantly segregating gay population. Homosexuals around this nation are as diverse as the population itself. That poses real problems when we try to unify our voice on issues that face our community. We find that some of our numbers are jaded in that they never seeing themselves falling in love with a single person, considering marriage or the benefits that are granted by it. Some are on such polar opposites in that they can’t see their lives going on without uniting with that one special love.

We have gay republicans, gay democrats, gay independents and gay neutrals. We have liberal party members and we have conservative party members. We have some who never get off of their knees and we have those who would never dare to get on their knees. We have lesbians that wear cut off flannel shirts and we have skinny model, perfect body, hair and makeup girly girls. Our ranks rise to the extremely wealthy and down to the poverty stricken, back woods Georgia Mountains. The only thing that we can agree on is that if we are out of the closet, we are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered.

We have some of the very issues that started to separate the black freedom fighters before us as they fought for equality. As any cause garners more support and attention; so does the obvious divides that the group must face. In an effort to bring about a synergy to our fight for equal rights, we must unite all gay citizens; we must define and focus on those issues that are the most important to our community.

We must acknowledge with that being said, that some might not agree with the agendas being set by rally organizers, while other may silently champion our cause from just outside their closet doors. We need to push our agenda forward in an organized manner that solidifies our numbers not just with the gay people of all ages, but with our heterosexual counterparts. Because a March on Washington is that flexing of gay muscle to the rest of the nation and to the world, we must ensure that we present the best possible outcome with the largest numbers in support. Therefore I stand against Mr. David Mixner and those who are spending countless hours rushing to organize a November March on Washington.

Yes, I said that correctly! I think a Spring March would give those warriors who are giving so boldly of themselves the time and ability to truly put together a showing that not only stuns the nation, but forces the world to stand and take notice. We need to be strong on those issues and weight them in the order that represent our collective needs based on political clout. We need a victory for the side of homosexuality that propels our remaining issues forward without allowing those who oppose our efforts to organize around us. In boxing terms, it is absolutely necessary to not just win the fight on points; we must knock out our opponent with a momentum that propels our other causes on to victory.

We need to stabilize corporate sponsors, however, we must garner sponsorship that says something to the rest of the world. We should want companies that will support our events while they stand behind our fight for equality. We need to give the masses the time to plan their schedules and to get out in numbers that has all of Washington busting at the seams. Our presence should be in such enormity that we cannot be push aside as a half-hearted or pitiful attempt. To do all of this, we must first decide on our agendas and what are the compromises we can live with.

There is such diversity in all of our issues that we must find the common ground before a march misses in gaining the support we will need. If we cannot galvanize our ranks we will not gain the support of our political representatives that will be necessary to fight at our side. We do not have a clear agenda that leaves few questioning what we are marching for, leaving the following questions: What is our number one priority? Some might say the Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, while others might say the Freedom to Marry and yet others might just say Equality. Which one stands the greater chance of winning and which one will carry the others through behind it?

In the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell there will need to be a sizable effort to educate and train not just the men and women among our ranks; but to also train those higher ranking officers. Many times it is not the enlisted men and women who have the problem with their gay comrades, but rather those who manage them. How much time will be a suitable amount to change the mentality: one year, five years, ten years, twenty years or never? If we successfully repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, there will be a back lash and that indicates we must be prepared for it. With any action there will always be an adverse reaction to it, so those men and women that are quietly known by their fellow personnel to be gay might be in danger as the narrow minded people wanting to show their disproval take their vengeance. Are we prepared to loose some of our fellow citizens due to gay bashing by fellow armed forces personnel? Is this the issue that we can WIN and should it be our number one rallying point?

GAY MARRIAGE, some are so defensively oppose to the concept of granting two men or two women the ability to wed. We all know that my stance is and will always remain in favor of LOVE, because it is what this world needs to set as its foundation for everything. However, my very words may ignite the loathing and darkness within the souls cleaving their religious ideologies that so stanchly appose the granting of these rights. Can we galvanize all gay men and women on this one concept that we all deserve the same rights and privileges that all other Americans seem to be taking for granted? I question if we can solidify our own ranks on this issue when large percentages of our own feel ambivalent at best. Others want us to make concessions and feel we will never garner enough support to over-turn all domestic DOMA Bills and launch a large enough offensive to over come the bigotry of the Christian Right. One such concession is that as a nation we pass a law that says only those unions officiated over by an ordained religious personnel will be considered marriage while all other unions that are presided over by Judges, Magistrates and anyone other than a religious leader to be considered a domestic partnership. Both will have exactly the same rights. They see this as a means to absolve any politician from negatively answering to either side of their constituency. While this does not sound egregiously horrible; there is a part of me that stills says anything that is separate can never be truly equal.

Others want the homosexual people to accept Domestic Partnerships only in those states that wish to grant them or acknowledge them. I vehemently appose such a stance. Just because you throw the dog a bone, does not mean you’ve granted that dog the same rights and privileges that all deserve to share equally. We should not be stupid enough to accept unjust laws that grant any state the ability to then vote in similar DOMA fashion by accepting any marriage, but not acknowledging those Domestic Partnerships. Separate is not equal and civil rights can never be denied to any segregated portion of the population for ever.

Regardless of the final decision for what is or is not acceptable with GAY MARRIAGE, we need to unify our issues and step towards Washington with a solidified message. This is our number one stance. We therefore must collectively agree what will be our secondary issue(s) and our order of importance with the conclusions that we desire. If we push to March on Washington without this level of organization, we will show those who oppose us just what they need to defeat us on each and every issue we raise. That would be the worst possible results and one we cannot accept. For this reason I feel it would be prudent to hold our March on Washington until next spring when we have more organization, a more collective voice and when we have identified those issues that speak to our masses with one voice. I do not believe the three to four months is enough time to organize a true March on Washington in the manner that we need to present ourselves.

I humbly request that Mr. Mixner and those brave men and women who have been working so diligently pause for a moment to consider my words. I feel prudence must be taken when showing Washington what the Gay and Lesbian Community can and will do. We must have a unified voice showing our solidarity to our issues and impervious to the challenges that will surely come after a March on Washington has ended.

Your humbled servant – Todd M Dobson

1 comment:

The Rambling Taoist said...

I think you've highlighted something that too often gets swept under the table. While a person's sexual orientation certainly impacts a person's outlook and perspective, it's only one of a myriad of attributes.

We have a rampant problem in our society with making generalizations that simply are too broad. All gays, blacks, women, people of German descent or redheads who ride unicycles are complex beings that cannot be solely categorized by one distinguishing factor.

If we could move away from this tendency, then I think a lot of the negativity would melt away with it.