Sunday, October 18, 2009

Would you like to read this book?

Short Synopsis:
The protagonist in our story is your average every day man who grew up under extraordinary circumstances. He was raised in an abusive household where verbal, physical and later sexual molestation was a daily means of living. In the face of great oppression by the very souls who were supposed to love and support him, our protagonist made a life for himself away from those he called family. Our story starts with an earth shattering realization by him during a drive home after a long day at work. This realization shakes him to his core as it brings with it an awakening of his soul when the one thing he had always longed for, was surrounding him - Love. He had found the one thing he searched his entire life for and had been enjoying the previous two years upon his realization of the love that was flowing through him.

Love was an illusion that just two years before he had given up on ever finding. That is why, when he met a soul mate, the earth stood still, the stars did align and the heavens opened him up with an experience that proved to be immensely moving. Our story tells how he falls in love and how beyond all recognition, it wasn’t just another love, but a true unconditional love shared by a soul mate. The readers follow the story of our two lovers as they fight against odds to share as a couple and it tells of what they shared. The story also dives into the boyhood of our protagonist, identifying the atrocious acts perpetrated by those loved ones and why they were the people they were. The readers walk through horrifying moment after hideous moment seeing what living in hell is all about, only to recognize how special it was to find him loving so freely given the restraints of his childhood. The readers feel the love that is shared as it grows as well as the mistakes made by both lovers. And then when that love was withering away, our readers find themselves drawn to our protagonist as he attempts to put his life back together after such tragic loss. This is a roller coaster ride and you will feel each turn, each free fall and every loop as it was lived. You ride through the darkness, feeling only the cold, damp chill; but then you are able to feel the warmth, the love and the hope that light brings with it. Jump on board and ride this wild ride as we must all do when we fall in love.

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