Friday, September 04, 2009

The President to Address Our Children

04th of September 2009


This country has witnessed a media storm apposing the planned speech by President Obama to our educational system and the children of the United States. I liken the response we’ve witnessed to that of a child flaunting a temper tantrum because Mom or Dad won’t let them harvest a basket full of sweets at the checkout counter of the local store.

I find the hypocrisy from those conservative families to be laughable. Educating our children should be one of this nation’s highest priorities. Education has been an agenda item for the past fifty years, but not one president has given it more than lip service. We have a man residing in the White House who is actually trying to deliver on his campaign promises. It should not matter, if you voted for him, if you are a Democrat or a Republican; this nation should be anxious to hear the message he has for our children.

I am disgusted by the politics as usual that is being played out by citizens instead of politicians. Partisan politics is raging throughout conservative states like Texas and Florida. It doesn’t matter what this president does or does not do, these people are angry because their president was not elected. There is no true measure to the man who holds office or what he does for this nation, because they can’t get beyond the loss of the presidency. They exemplify poor losers and fight this presidency at every decision.

What I noticed very predominately is the ubiquity of the message each person that has been interviewed extolled. The same messages declaring their rage over President Obama addressing our children. “He is trying to convert our children to Socialism!” Some explained how they wouldn’t let anyone speak with their child without them present, but that is the most ridiculous statement I’ve heard, because they can’t tell you who their child chats with online, on their phones, at school or away from school. Children are raising themselves and most Conservative Families are no different. I live in the Bible Belt South that is ultra conservative tempered with religious ideologies; yet the children of the South are no better off then their more liberal counterparts from the Northeast or West Coast.

Not one of the parents or religious leaders protesting against President Obama addressing our children said what is the most obvious to me. Instead of showing their children how adults throw temper tantrums; stand first and voice your opinion against the speech without a preview in advance. Offer to sit with your children and listen to the president’s address simultaneously teaching them how to properly listen with an open mind to opinions you may not agree with. It is good to voice an opinion that differs from that of the President of the United States. Teach your child how that is a cherished right that not all citizens in other countries share. Explain that in some nations, if a citizen stands against the ruling individual or party how they may lose their freedom and even their life. Sit in the same classroom with your children and after the speech, discuss it as you listen to them and other parents.

The parents that are angry were obviously well trained with what to say and how to say it. That is more infuriating than anything, because this good step by a president was used as a blatant stab at the Healthcare Reform Bill. I have more disgust for those who appose granting medical benefits to all citizens than I do for any who might not agree with me. Those who appose insuring all American citizens don’t care about any one other than themselves. This is simply an issue of decency and not one of socialism. If it means that we take a single step away from democracy, then maybe we as a nation need to make in order to better care for our own. I don’t see it as cut and dry democracy verses socialism debate, but if that is how you need to view finding a way to provide medical coverage for all citizens, then do so. As long as you do what is right for all citizens of this great nation. There is more than enough to take care of us all and the only people who don’t think so are the Doctors and Insurance Companies who place a higher value on revenues as apposed to human life.

Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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