Monday, September 07, 2009

Daily Thoughts

7th of September 2009


Today was such an amazing day with temperatures in the low eighties (Fahrenheit about twenty-two degrees Celsius), just a touch of a breeze with sunny, blue skies. I took off and spent a couple hours riding my mountain bike and enjoying the splendor that Mother Nature provides.

After a weekend of volunteer work, answering questions from one person after the next. My job is to help them find solutions to all sorts of issues: marital, financial, employment, relationships, physical problems and/or emotional ones. Cavorting with nature is such a great way to release all of the energy from those who need assistance. Spending a couple of hours surrounded by the beauty and serenity that nature provides always centers me. It is as if I spent a full day meditating in an ashram, but completely recharged in a fraction of the time. I enjoy helping people and I love what I do for those who sit before me. It is rewarding in so many ways with some people walking away relieved while others may take some time before they realize the gift they’ve received.

There are so many changes in our planet that are already occurring and many have no clue that they are a foot. It behooves each of us to find time to enjoy the outdoors with any tasks that you can. Get in touch with the person you are by reaching out side your doors and windows and allowing nature to lead the way.

We have the ability to make the coming changes great ones while we set fear aside. Most people are seeing and hearing about December 21st, 2012. What most won’t tell you is that the changes we are experiencing will be completed before that date. The secret that most won’t tell you….each of us can make these changes great ones or horrific ones.

What I mean, is that our intent makes the difference for the entire world. If we fear the coming of 2012, thinking that it will bring the infamous Armageddon, then that is what we will experience. If we, as the world, believe and think that 2012 brings the world Peace, Love and Hope; then that is what we will receive. It is up to our collective conscience to determine if we will bring about heaven on earth or deliver us into hell (that is a metaphor that is extremely descriptive of what we can do).

I cannot think of a world where I can’t spend time on my bike, kayak, swimming or hiking my way through the wonders we have on this planet. Join me in knowing every day between now and December 21st, 2012 that I breathe in the air of this world that is filled with Love, Honor & Respect, because that is what I send to every soul breathing with me!


Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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