Thursday, April 29, 2010

Knowledge for Humanity

24th of April 2010


There are certain principles that I teach which remain legitimate whether you agree with them or not. Many might see these values as either spiritual versus Christian or any other theosophical beliefs; however they are not one in challenge of any other. These principles transcend all theosophical and ideological values. There are many different ideologies and theosophical viewpoints within this world. I support all of them, because in the life of the average person, faith brings about a means of consistency no matter what challenges that soul may face. I have always believed that no one religion is better than any other. They are all different and for that reason, they speak to the hearts and minds of those souls who believe in them.

There is certain wisdom about this world that others like me discern, we are not special, and we are souls on our journeys just as you are a sentient being traversing your path. It won’t matter if your ideology differs from what you read, because what is written here is factual for all of humanity. We can deny those essentials, but that won’t make that acumen any less true, it just means we disagree. If you doubt what you read; then I challenge you to seek your own answers or your truth by searching deep within your heart and your soul. Get to that place of centeredness and ask yourself if this information is true. You will receive your answers, in your own way and within your own time.

Religion is not without its place within our society, but we place too much trust contained by theosophical ideologies rather than assurances within ourselves. We are the temple; we individually are all that we ever need. It is “I” who moves the mountains, fishes from all of the waters and provides all that we will ever need. It was enlightening to hear, “I am Jesus, and we all are Jesus. I am Mohamed, we are all Mohamed. I am Buddha, we are all Buddha. I am the Mother Mary; we are all the Mother Mary. I am God, we are all God! The point behind this message is that we each are all that we will ever need in this world. Learn to trust yourself. Have faith first within YOU, before you place it within another soul or belief! When we come from a place of self love, self respect and self awareness; there will never be any obstacle that we cannot overcome.

Precept #1:

There are certain constructs about this world that are true today and will remain true tomorrow as they were true yesterday. There are souls among us who have been here many times before. There are souls that have traversed this world several times and there are new souls among us for the first time. Regardless of the number of times we have experienced life, we will come back. Some religions won’t teach reincarnation while others have different viewpoints about it; but our soul comes here to live life and to learn lessons. This is the purpose of life and the reason we live is that our soul learns more while it interacts with other souls as opposed to just learning within the next dimension. On this point I disagree with The Dali Lama who said that the purpose of life (originally he responds that he does not know) but he went on to say that it is to exist. While I fully understand where the Dali Lama’s perceptions derives, it is our existence and original intent to come here to learn lessons that will elevate us to a higher consciousness or to teach those seeking that wisdom they must discover.

Before our soul is born within a physical form, we are shown the life we will live (a life preview). We see the lessons we must learn and those we must teach. We agree to the life we are to live and thereby agree in the form of a contract to learn and teach the lessons within it. We then choose the family we will be born into, thereby selecting in most cases those souls that we know and trust because we have experienced life with them before. When you wonder why you are in the family that you’re surrounded by, remember that you chose them!

Precept #2:

With this being understood, it will never detract from the greatest gift each sentient soul has been granted – FREE WILL! During the life we agree to live, we may choose to remain on the path laid before us. We may also choose to dawn our own journey. Free Will is a masterful concept that we select at any time during our passage. To that end, we may lose ourselves within a lesson, never finding our way back to the path we originally walked. This may be done as the villain, the champion, the martyr or even the victim. As amazing as Free Will is, it may also be the trap that ensnares a soul for the remainder of their lifetime never seemingly allowing that soul to return to the journey they once agreed to pass through.

Every soul steps through their own journey learning their own set of lessons that will differ from every other soul on this planet. I may be learning something you grasped many lifetimes before, whereas you may be introduced to something by me because I gleaned it prior to now. There is no mistake in the souls we encounter or that encounter us. The correct souls come before us when they are ready to learn what we are prepared teach and vice versa. The most important thing for us to understand about lessons is that what some of us may take great offense by, may actually be an important lesson another soul must learn. What I mean by this: EXAMPLE ONLY: that a woman may need to learn a lesson about grief, love or the consequences of choices made in haste. All of which are valuable teachings that must be cherished at some point during life. That training may need to be taught to this person via the decision about abortion. Many readers were just enraged with even the prospect of such a thought; however it is not for us to decide who will learn what lessons or how they must do so. Understanding the balance within life is a far greater task than trying to control what we wish to occur or not. I am always a proponent for life and the living; however, I know that the soul agrees to the lesson being taught, even if they are the means of teaching it. If a soul is to be lost to the ones having it, that soul knows and understands their role within the lesson being taught and thereby agrees to perform their responsibility. That may be in the role of aborted fetus, miscarriage, born and lost shortly thereafter or so on. It is important for us to understand that every soul knows and comprehend their role within the life they accept and agree too, regardless of how long, how short, how arduous, how easy or with regard to the lessons learned or taught.

Given that some lessons are taught through means of pain, loss, deception and even harm; those are the lessons that are the most impactful. There are many harsh lessons that we must learn and some come about in dubious ways. It is important to appreciate that no matter how good intentioned we are in life; we will also be the teacher in some of those harsh lessons. Always keep your head and your heart about you as you discover those teachings that hurt us the most.

Precept #3:

Each of us must recognize that this world has a perfect balance within it of good and bad, light and dark. During our daily rituals we face many decisions and our choices are influenced by light or darkness. Likewise, those lessons must be decided upon if we are going to learn them or are we choosing free will and thereby taking a different direction. The influences that surround us are many in a solitary existence; but in our times of instant gratification, the modern niceties that make our reality far more manageable come with a price and that may be what influences us the most. It is imperative that as this life marches forward you find some means of trusting yourself and identifying the influences that surround you. Some may meditate on important decisions while others think little about them. Either way, you are your greatest source of focus. Once you are confident, focused and loved by you; feeling the light or dark influences will be far easier. The key will always remain in your faith within YOU! There are other post that I’ve written that will tell you how to ground yourself and protect yourself from other influences and how to better identify the light and darkness within you. I will always tell every soul that grounding and protection is essential for you and your loved ones, but it must always be done from the perspective of YOU and not against darkness or negativity. I ground myself for me and I protect myself for me!

Precept #4:

The loss of a loved one will always be a difficult issue for us to witness. I have written before on the process of living and drying and what happens when we cross over. The process of grieving will always remains unique to the soul who is experiencing the loss. We must love and support that soul as they grieve. Others have informed me how accepting what happens with every soul that leaves this earthly realm has helped them through the grieving process. It has also changed their perspective about living as well as what to do once they themselves pass. The soul that has crossed over watches over those persons they loved while they were in physical shape; however they do so as an energetic form from the next dimension. I implore you to comprehend that the death of a person is not an ending, but rather a transition to an energetic beginning and while the existence changes, it remains constant.

I wrote earlier that our soul traverses this world many times. Because this is not a singular existence and our soul will return again, it seems to diminish the harshness we felt before about the passing of loved ones. I believe once you understand this constructs, that the next principle worried about is where our soul goes (heaven or hell). Our soul ascends to the next dimension when passing from this earthly realm. We go through a life review and as our soul adapts to the new existence without the requirements of a body. The next place is of pure energy and love, so the requirements of a body or physical form no longer is essential to existence. The body provides the energy that our soul needs while it lives on the earthly plane. It takes nine months for our soul to adjust from the energetic realm as our physical body grows around it within the womb of our mother. We decide or we agree when requested to return to a living form and therefore born into a lifetime. The nine months the soul spends inside the female uterus it is acclimating to a change from its energetic existence to the one we require on the earthly realm or inside our physical form. It takes that time for that new source of energy - our physical body to grow around the soul.

Precept #5:

Every soul in living form has abilities (Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP), Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairalience, Claircognizance, Clairgustance, Medium and/or Channel) that we come into the earthly realm with. Most of us lose some to all of our abilities as we grow from new born into infancy and then into childhood. The most interesting reading that I’ve ever done was on a baby who was five months old. With the permission of her parents, I was given the most amazing gift of seeing and understanding that every soul is placed within the womb at conception fully initialized with all knowledge of its past lives along with complete abilities that are used to correspond in place of our physical forms of communication.

It is not unusual for a parent to enter a nursery observing their infant while he or she stares into a corner of the room that has nothing that will attract the child’s eye, but they seem to be engaged when their parent steps up to the crib. Even a child of several years old may randomly say something like I saw this person or that person that you know to have already passed. The child isn’t lying; rather they probably have been visited by many ancestors that are watching over the child in a show of their continued love and support. Even if the person who has crossed over never met the baby in living form, it does not remove familiar or past life ties. Parents need to be more accepting and know what questions to ask when a child mentions an invisible playmate or fear of the dark. In many cases and depending on the age of the child, their friend might just be a soul that has crossed over who is watching over and protecting the child. Likewise a child’s invisible friend may also be a dark or negative energy and therefore parents need to ask questions to ascertain a description of the aberration, the feeling and what your child thinks their friend is about.

I must warn parents because many of my colleges and I recognize that countless of your children are not shutting down their abilities as they’re unintentionally taught. Even if you don’t believe in what I write, but find that your child has abilities, don’t try to shut them off. Help your children cultivate their abilities and let them mature as your child does. It will cause problems if you force or demean something that your child knows to be a natural part of their existence because a human person cannot completely turn off that which is meant to be a part of their life. We will find greater numbers of people living among us with abilities and we must adapt to this and many other changes within our world.

Precept #6:

Every sentient being that inhabits this earth is inter-connected with everything on and inside this planet. Our differences matter little to the energetic bonds that unite each of us with everything surrounding us. If you think for a second that you are not connected with your neighbor and looking after them is not as important as looking after yourself; then you are living within an egotistic life. We must start changing how we think about everything and everyone surrounding us. We must care as much about the people we dislike as we do for our needs and the necessities of those we love. When we harm the person next to us, we harm ourselves. It goes back to the statement that was given before: “I am Jesus, and we all are Jesus. I am Mohamed, we are all Mohamed. I am Buddha, we are all Buddha. I am the Mother Mary; we are all the Mother Mary. I am God, we are all God! If we are the air that we breath, if we are the water that we drink and the food that we eat; why then are we not our neighbor, our friends and even the ones we dislike?

The world will only ever find PEACE and LOVE when we know and trust that we are all united as one. When how my fellow human beings feel and think is as important as how I feel and think…and no one is better than the other; that is when we start to find true balance among this world. Think about living in a place where you not only know your neighbors, but can trust and believe that they love you as much as you love them. When the knowing of another soul is secondary to loving them; that is when this world will see and feel true tranquility and share in a love that is unimaginable right now.

Precept #7:

There are many souls among us that have been touting the effects of EGO. There is much to be said about ego and how society as a whole is lost within the grip of it. It is only mentioned here for a couple of points that must be digested by the average person. As with everything in life, there is a balance on the earthly plane. Ego is the source that tells you that we are in a constant state of competition with everyone around you. Ego is that drive telling you to be better than all of your co-workers, better than your siblings, better than your friends and even better than your parents. Ego is what places the value of your REPUTATION above living life to the fullest. When what others think about you is more important than you living a fulfilled life that accomplishes your destiny; that is Ego driving you in the wrong direction. Ego is that push to have all of the latest and greatest toys. You buy the latest car that the neighbors and or work colleges enjoy or envy because of ego, not based on needs. Ego is our thirst to be better than our parents and siblings or at least appear to be better than they are. Ego is the source of our desires as well as our insatiable and unquenchable thirst. You should struggle to maintain a healthy balance with ego by not allowing life to be lived in a constant state of ME, ME, ME!!!

Ego is also our protector and that craving to survive and live. It is that part of the scared boy that struggles to maintain living in the midst of great oppression and abuse. Ego is that part propelling the physical body beyond its limits allowing its host to live another day. Anything that is strong enough to survive the greatest physical pain also has the ability to thrust you beyond your limits of rational behavior, desires and needs. Find your balance and maintain ego. Everything in life may be good in moderation. Wake each morning not thinking about what I have to accomplish, how do I out do my co-worker to shine and get that promotion, but rather asking the questions; how do I help this person, who needs my assistance, my talents and how may I affect a life for the better based on my talents? When your first thoughts are of others as opposed to yourself, that is a life lived with a balance of ego.

Your humbler servant – Todd M Dobson


Karina said...

Your writing is amazing! You are very talented and VERY WISE

Todd M. Dobson said...

Thank you Karina for reading my words and for taking the time to respond. I am glad that it spoke to you.
