Tuesday, December 08, 2009

When All Else Fails – What’s Next

07th of December 2009






The first and second weekends of every month I volunteer by helping those who find themselves in any number of situations. Rarely do people come seeking a voice when they are happy, centered and filled positively with life (even though when those people do, it is amazing to talk with them and feel their energy). Most people come with immense needs, worries, concerns and heavy hearts. Their issues range from the fear or actual loss of a job, relationship problems, a spouse they believe is cheating on them or just not sure what may be wrong, however they know there is a dark cloud that follows their every move.


Regardless of the reasons they come to speak with one who will listen, I've been seeing growing numbers of people who seek assistance of all kinds. In most cases, they can't even see that regardless of the cause(s) of their pain, they exhibit no self confidence, no self esteem and no concept of how to turn their circumstances around. It doesn't matter if they've lost a job, lost a loved one or never had someone there to love them; it is mute why they feel isolated and alone, the point is that so many among us do!


I recognize that in our society, much of the populace has not fully developed a proper sense of one's self. Many souls feel that all they require love to find the right person and how it is the job of that person to bring love to them. The famous line from the movie Jerry McGuire proves my point perfectly, "You complete me," yet how can another person truly bring love to you? I've heard it said so many times and in so many ways, "if I can just find the right job, all my problems will go away." This ideology is indicative for how so many people feel within our world.


The problem with any scenario is that immediate issues or the vacancy of love or anything else can be acquired by others. The right job will not correct your financial or social problems. The right person won't suddenly envelope you with an earth shattering love that you've never experienced before. It is indicative that in our society over the past several generations where the average family is so dysfunctional that the few families that love, share and support all within it have become abnormality. The person who considers themselves average, tells of families riddled with abuse of one kind or another. The children of today are spoiled in so many ways, but they are latch-key kids left to the television, computer and video game units instead of actually interacting with Mom, Dad or even one another. This degradation in the family community has taken with it a single place where mothers and fathers would normally teach their children how to respect and what confidence truly is.


The results of which are detrimental to so many whom when they find that the world does not deliver what they expect, they become depressed or feel lost. Many of the people I see sitting before me are devoid of any self confidence. Their self worth is depleted and some are depressed while others have a cloud of darkness following them like Pigpen in Charley Brown. I find that before anyone can help with whatever malady has them so wrought with pain, they must first learn to believe in themselves. There are a number of ways to heed this lesson and no way is better than any other. I find that it is best to step into a regular practice building yourself from the foundation. While that may change for each individual person, here are some suggestions that may work for you:


  1. Find a source of daily affirmations. Louise L Hay and others produce books, cards and a variety of means that cost very little. Read several daily affirmations that speak to you. When we lack confidence, self awareness and belief in one's self; we hear subconsciously a million times a day negative messages designed to tear us apart and keep us oppressed by our own actions. Those messages speak to our fears and our self loathing. We must tell ourselves positive messages or affirmations more times per day than we hear those harmful ones.
  2. You should start to feel better after one to two weeks of messages designed to rebuild your soul. For some people it may take longer than others, but once you start to feel good about yourself, you must increase your work to constructively rebuild who you will become as a person. Regardless of your physical form, you must work yourself into the point where you can stand naked in front of a mirror and see yourself as beautiful just as you are. It does not matter if you are imperfect in any way, but continue to tell yourself, "I am perfect in every way," "My body grows stronger with each passing day as I am perfect just the way that I am." As you exorcise the darkness surrounding you and within you, you will find that issues of weight loss or physical imperfections will diminish as your confidence and self adulation grow.
  3. At the point where you have confidence, it will be time to seek the help of another who can remove the darkness that has descended you before now. This darkness will be around you even though you are feeling better about yourself. Find a spiritual person or religious leader who will understand and with whom can remove the darkness plaguing your soul. Follow their guidance, but understand no one can expel anything from you without your belief and approval to do so. If they can rid you of the darkness that follows, it will return unless you set your intention that it is gone and shall never return. Most people will read this third point and gloss over it because giving voice to darkness is not what many believe, but if you believe in light (such as angels), you must also know that within this universe there is a perfect balance. For the light that surrounds us there is also darkness. We as a soul, as a person, have both light and darkness within us. It is our choices where we decide to respond with either light or darkness that determines what is within us. If you cannot believe in that, than you will never fully rid yourself of the darkness that is within and around you always.
  4. Set your intention that the spiritualist who is helping you rid yourself of this darkness will be successful and once it is removed from you that it has no place within you. That you are a vessel of Light and there are no contracts of darkness that give it place within you ever again. Know this to be true and don't question it and you will feel as if the weight of the world is removed from your shoulders and you are freed from the shackles that once held you prisoner within yourself.

When you are free from self oppression, lack of confidence and a self effacing consciousness; you will see the obstacles that once blocked your way removed. Finding the right job, the right spouse and the right path will be easy as you step through life. Remember as a parting thought, that the energy we expel is what we attract. Ensure that confidence, self assurance and positive sources of energy are what you send to yourself and all others. When you do, it is what will come back to you always.


Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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