Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is It The End – Or a New Beginning

12th of November 2009




My post "Why So Many Oppose Health Care Reform" and the bantering shared between a reader and I rendered me deep in thought as I meditated. I tend to forget that not everyone in this world understands the changes underway now. In my responses with this reader, I alluded to these modifications, so what are they and what do they mean for you and for me?


Most people have heard of December 21st, 2012. For many, it is just another day. Understandably, they feel we have heard enough propaganda in reference to it. Just as many felt Y2K turned out to be no real threat. I however know that the end of the millennia was more than just ushering in another New Years. Regardless if there was human hype made about the failure of computers, the treats that we would be plunged into darkness with no electricity and even greater arguments that the world would come to an end. We stepped into the Age of Aquarius, which has been predicted by every major ideology thousands of years before this time as a time where the world would END AS WE KNOW IT. The question on the minds of many is…what will end or more pointedly, what types of changes are we destined to endure.


As with every major celestial, theosophical or ideological change, there will always be those who immediately claim Armageddon. They may even pull out religious text quoting chapter and verse to exemplify what they deem as proof that the Apocalypse is here. To disarm "The End of Days" means to truly understand what these predictions discern.


First we must grant that most divine books (The Bible, The Koran, The Torah, etc.) are written in parables on purpose. The parable is to deliver duality in its meaning and in doing so we must accept that there are multiple meanings for each passage. The duality is not to confuse, but rather to make clear for those minds worthy enough to actually understand. To understand dictates that one must read with an open mind and with an open heart. We are warned both inside the bible and outside of it from taking any theological text too literally. Unfortunately, there are too many who use the literal interpretation of these passages to enshrine would be followers into believing God's intention without really knowing what he truly proposed. To know God means to know you ("The kingdom of God is within you" – Jesus Chris"). To have faith in God means that we must first have faith in whom we are as beings. We are told this directly and indirection many times from many sources: "as above, so below," "Know ye not that ye are Gods" and "Ye are Gods."


It is the divine will to know ourselves and by doing so, we also identify God, if in fact we are believers. This is a pivotal foundation for us to accept regardless of our theology or even the negation of any; as beings made in his image, we must first learn ourselves before we go extolling his virtues to others. I know far too many souls that even in their struggle referred to as life; they reached out for faith in an omnipotent being without getting to know themselves. The problem in placing the cart before the horse is that we then must pull the cart and the horse by ourselves. What I mean by this; to know God is to know the divine spark within us all, so if we learn only what we are led to know by others, we have yet to know the greatest part of spirituality. We are conferred in many texts and in numerous passages in each of those texts, that WE ARE MADE IN HIS IMAGE; do you not recognize the light within us that is of him? Can you not witness that which is within your heart that beats of him? If you cannot; I challenge that you are not as connected in your faith or your praise of him and therefore your knowledge is shallow and without dept.


As I make such a claim, I do not judge. We all walk this earth on different journeys. Our path will differ from that of our neighbor, as it should. Our lessons during this lifetime will differ and it is incumbent upon our soul to learn those lessons we agreed to heed prior to our birth. There is no soul greater nor is there any soul that is diminished, we are just on different journeys learning that which we must, digest and teach that which we already know. To see a soul that does not recognize the light of God within is a simple statement that accounts for where they are on their path. No one other than they can know if they are where they're supposed to be, learning what is presented for them to know or for them to teach.


We are a world of people lost from their own reflections. Society has taught many lessons that were not necessary to learn as we walk our path. To that end, the majority of us have lost that sense of knowing ourselves, and with it, we reach as a blind man does not knowing what direction is true. The heart that beats within our chest is seen as a mere organ that pumps and pulls the elixir of life through our physical forms, but when we address the soul, that ball of energy that truly defines us beyond the limits of this lifetime, it is as if looking into a mirror with no reflection staring back upon us.


We are a lost and disconnected world where individualism has become the true religion that we all regale, and yet we still do not have faith within ourselves. Our actions show this in many ways: we don't care if we cut the person off next to us as we speed passed in our automobiles, because had we cared we would have set the cell phone down long enough to actually look, ensuring no one was there. We rush based on the need to run our children from one class to another team event, but we are not present to watch and support our kids in their efforts. We continue to live our life through the children that kindle an extension of who we are, as opposed to seeing them for the soul they truly were born to be. Everything is about us in our own minds with little thought of our fellow man. This was exemplified many times over by the reader who kept challenging my beliefs that as a society we must care for our neighbor as much as we care for us. The only retort given was, "I will give of my money and time when I chose too and I will not be forced into paying for anything else." It did not matter that as a society we must learn to take care of those who are unable too; to love them and cherish who they are while we assist them in striving to become productive again. Our debate was over Health Care for All, which one might think would have been automatic a long time ago, but yet the shallowness of this person refuted any means of caring unless they decided it behooved them to care.


The changes that are being made within this world are based on those discussions from yesterday. The world has been beseeched with darkness as is the reason that most souls are lost, knowing only themselves in a superficial manner. The changes that are referenced in every major theosophical, philosophical, celestial and prophesized means will have already been set long before the 21st of December 2012. Those changes can spark a worldwide revolution or the Armageddon that many fear. Or the changes could be innocuous if the majority of the souls within this world believe that goodness and light will prevail. What the extent of the change will be is based on you and upon me. We are being forced to become part of the collective of this world; that means we are one of many. In adapting to these changes, we will learn to be both of ourselves as well as for the betterment of all. Our first instincts will change from being "ME FIRST" to "US." We will learn that it is natural to covet our neighbor as we only coveted us before.


These are vast and to some, very arduous transformations. Many do not adapt to change easily, while others will not wish to think outside of THEM. They like the isolation and loneliness of being closed, because darkness and shadows pervade where the light cannot shine. However, these adaptations in our world are for all to share in as we move towards a unified populace. The Rosicrucian Manifestos stated it best in the early 1600's, "The whole world shall become as one book and al the contradictions of science and theology shall be reconciled." While I am energized at our world changing from a place dominated more by darkness (today) and that we will be migrating towards a time where light shines upon all as we connect with every soul among us. There are things that I have yet to understand in a collective consciousness that even concern me, however, I have faith in any direction that offers solace within the light as opposed to walking in the unknown darkness alone.


To bring these alterations full circle with where we are today; those transformations are underway currently. If they had already been completed, there might not be a need for my blogs chastising those who are against Medical Coverage for all citizens within this country. As a collective, we would need all of our population to be healthy, which is why we would take care of our neighbor as we would take care of ourselves. There would be no segregation based on race, color, nationality, religious affiliations or no affiliations, sex, sexual orientation or any other means that people use today to disassociate with others that they do not see as they perceive themselves. To cast aside hate, fear, oppression and any means that we use to segregate others away from us or in a means to make ourselves feel in some way better or above others; I am ready to sign up. Society is not meant to live in fear, judgment or raising one above any others…no, we are meant to be equals and to live enshrouded with LOVE, HOPE and PEACE!


This post will take some time and understanding, but it is delivered from my heart to all who will read it. May we face the challenges that are underway with ACCEPTANCE and TRANQUILITY!


Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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