Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Care for All

10th of November 2009






It should be very telling when the Insurance Companies in the United States have spent over $10 BILLION dollars lobbying against HEALTH CARE REFORM this year alone. They are not the only ones with Physician lobbyists also spending more than $4 BILLION dollars lobbying against this nations quest to provide HEALTH CARE for everybody. Their ardent opposition to providing medical coverage to all citizens of this nation is GREED, when both should care about providing the best care for every soul in this nation.


Fourteen BILLION dollars would provide a huge amount of medical care for those who are unemployed and cannot provide such. It would also save lives for those who are homeless or even those families where both parents are working multiple jobs and still do not earn enough to provide proper medical coverage for their families. Yet those who have sworn an oath to provide medical coverage to all fear the loss of their million dollar incomes, so they fight what has shamefully not already been provided in this nation – MEDICAL COVERAGE FOR ALL! The Insurance Industry needs to be over-hauled in totality because it has not served us the people in many years. When insurance industry executives do whatever it takes to make their million dollar salaries and billion dollar profit margins it is disgusting. They do so at the expense of the lives of people who trusted they would be covered for whatever medical needs they have, and yet the Insurance industry plays games with denying their customers claims.


To complicate an already arduous battle, the Roman Catholic Church (as if they have not done enough damage this year alone) decides to enter this political battle. It doesn't matter that even Jesus Christ stated that religion is corrupt, politics is corrupt and the intermingling of the two is ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION. Catholicism only regales those sections of the Bible that serve its needs. The Catholic Church is after a very old fight, Abortion Rights and this is a tiresome fight with no winning side, but who cares; because the Catholic Church will do whatever they want in order to obtain what they want and how they want it.


I've written before about the fight over abortion. I do understand both sides and they are both RIGHT. A woman should always have the ability to choose and I do agree with saving every soul that comes into this world. I just disagree with legislating choice. I feel education; REAL SEX EDUCATION that works (not the Abstinence ONLY education that the Christian Right demands because they cannot have difficult discussions with their children) is the best means to combat abortion. Education before someone gets pregnant and after the pregnancy and before the abortion. If you want to truly impact the number of abortions, you cannot legislate change, you can however change them and that becomes change in a positive way, not a forced change or negative one like what the Roman Catholic Church is trying to do. No religion should insert itself into this battle over medical coverage for all US citizens.


The Roman Catholic Church needs to withdrawal from this battle for the betterment of all people living within this country. I know it doesn't care about ensuring that all living souls have health care, but as with all other issues facing the Catholic Church, remove your ego from the equation and show the goodness within your organization by showing compassion for the millions of people living in this country who need medical coverage.


As for the politicians who have been bought and paid for by the Insurance and Medical communities; SHAME ON YOU!!! Do what is right for the people of this nation by dropping the political games and deliver medical coverage for all. Find the means to be honorable as opposed to hiding the ill-gotten money paid by those who fear the revenues they may lose.




Your humble servant – Todd M Dobson

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