Friday, May 16, 2008

California's Gay Marriage

15th of May 2008


I was encouraged today while reading the news and listening to CNN as they announced that the California State Supreme Court found the ban renouncing gay men and lesbian women from marrying was unconstitutional. This is but one step that hopefully will have a domino affect with all states and our Federal Government granting equality to a group of citizens that has been denied justice for too long - HOMOSEXUALES.

California as with the state of Massachusetts can no longer deny the equality of its own citizens and is making the proper steps to open the doors of liberty where they were once closed. This action should never be necessary; however, as this case ignites in the media, I am reminded at just how much hate remains in the hearts of so many people across our once great nation. People like Mr. Tony Perkins who argued unsuccessfully how the marriage between a man and woman will degrade when California allows homosexuals to marry. He never can answer the questions by Anderson Cooper or Dan Savage at how allowing two men to marry will cause such an institution to collapse. Mr. Perkins does say that in all of the countries that granted separate, but unequal rights such as domestic partnerships (England being one), marriage has seen a decrease in the number of participants while domestic partnership has seen an increase by heterosexual couples. I must thank you Mr. Perkins for adding to the arguments against separate, but unequal rights that some feel will placate the homosexual populace across North America.

California sits at the precipice of truly remarkable times for gay and lesbian citizens who deserve the honor and respect of equality that has been fought for and denied. Let me go out on a limb and say that California will be the first state to have their DOMA or Constitutional change challenged and reversed as unconstitutional for the simple fact that when truly honest judges are faced with deciphering when laws are being used to oppress the rights that every person deserves equally, lady liberty will balance her scales for justice.

People like President George W Bush and Mr. Perkins who want to criticize Judges for setting politics and sometimes even their own personal feelings aside to analyze the legalization of prohibitive laws such as DOMA Bills and “One Man, One Woman” Constitutional Amendments. I have faith in our Judicial System that most Judges truly want to do what is right, not what is politically prudent to grant those favors or positions down the road. While I don’t like the ultra conservatism that has a strangle hold on our United States Supreme Court, I have more faith in the individual Judges who will allow justice to prevail.

Everybody, Gay and Straight needs to see this for exactly what it is and speak out against the injustice perpetuated in the great name of religion. This is not about our beliefs in religion or the Bible, it is simply about how we want to treat other people who deserve to be respected and receive the same rights and privileges as everyone else in this country. Think about how you would feel if someone was preventing you from sharing the love in your heart with the person you can’t live without? Would it be fair for anyone to tell you how that love is wrong and can never be recognized, much less accepted or respected?

Lift your voice letting it be heard against the injustice and in support of California as it tells all of its citizens that they matter once again truly be free from oppression.

Your humble servant – Todd M. Dobson

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